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Camino Island John Grisham
by John Grisham

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Fast moving, interesting, good summer reading

Read it! Play it!
by The Oppenheim Toy Portfolio’s

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Great book to get ideas how to introduce reading to babies and toddlers.

Nutrition Made Clear
by Roberta Anding

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Great audiobook that explores the food and you introduce in your body from a scientific prospective with great tips for healthy eating.

The River Of Doubt Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey
by Candice Millard

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The true story of Theodore Roosevelt's expedition down a never-before-explored tributary of the Amazon River. The grueling journey was poorly planned and put all the men, including Roosevelt's son Kermit, in danger of starvation, in addition to the expected dangers of injury, disease, or indigenous people's attack. Several Brazilian paddlers were lost and Teddy Roosevelt himself was gravely ill by the time they reached their goal. The author did a magnificent job portraying the men of the expedition and their amazing fortitude in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. She evokes the beautiful, interconnected and competing nature of every living thing in the Amazon jungle.

Slavery and Sin: The Fight Against Slavery and the Rise of Liberal Protestantism
by Oshatz, Molly

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Discusses how the varying antebellum opinions on American slavery fractured the Evangelical religions and helped set the stage for a bloody Civil War.

Cat and mouse
by James Patterson

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Good continuation of the Alex Cross series

All Adults Here Emma Straub
by Emma Straub

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Well written and enjoyable. Interesting characters, well drawn, and dealing with important issues. Good story about family ups and downs.

Beyond The Point
by Claire Gibson

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Fictional story of 3 young women brought together as plebes at West Point. The story tracks their friendship, and their lives both in and out of the military. Besides telling a good story it gives the reader an interesting look into the military world most of us are not aware of, and the sacrifices military personnel make every day.

Mercy House A Novel By Alena Dillon
by Alena Dillon

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Great portrayal of the role of nuns in the Catholic Church, and a provacative story about some of the challenges facing the Church today.

'I Was Transformed' Frederick Douglass: An American Slave in Victorian Britain
by Fenton, Laurence

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An interesting look at the young Frederick Douglass and his years spent in the British Isles. During his time in the UK, Douglass honed his skills as a public speaker and gained international renown as an abolitionist, author, and champion of civil rights.