Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

List of fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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Bonus Bingo: Visit (in each box) Main, HB, Weed, SE, West Side or the Bookmobile
Bonus Bingo:  Visit (in each box) Main, HB, Weed, SE, West Side or the Bookmobile

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Come to a library program.
Come to a library program.

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Come to a library program.
Come to a library program.

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Design and build something using Legos, blocks, cardboard or anything else.
Design and build something using Legos, blocks, cardboard or anything else.

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Design and build something using Legos, blocks, cardboard or anything else.
Design and build something using Legos, blocks, cardboard or anything else.

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Draw or paint a picture
Draw or paint a picture

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Draw or paint a picture
Draw or paint a picture

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Enjoy a cold summer treat, like ice cream, popsicles, or frozen fruit.
Enjoy a cold summer treat, like ice cream, popsicles, or frozen fruit.

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Enjoy a cold summer treat, like ice cream, popsicles, or frozen fruit.
Enjoy a cold summer treat, like ice cream, popsicles, or frozen fruit.

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Have a device free day; no TV, phone, or tablet.
Have a device free day;  no TV, phone, or tablet.

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Have a device free day; no TV, phone, or tablet.
Have a device free day;  no TV, phone, or tablet.

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Help a family member or friend.
Help a family member or friend.

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Help a family member or friend.
Help a family member or friend.

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Help with a chore at home.
Help with a chore at home.

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Help with a chore at home.
Help with a chore at home.

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Learn a new skill or interesting fact
Learn a new skill or interesting fact

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Learn a new skill or interesting fact
Learn a new skill or interesting fact

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Listen to an audiobook
Listen to an audiobook

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Listen to an audiobook
Listen to an audiobook

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Make a craft with recycled materials
Make a craft with recycled materials

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Make a craft with recycled materials
Make a craft with recycled materials

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Make up your own activity.
Make up your own activity.

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Make up your own activity.
Make up your own activity.

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Play a board or card game.
Play a board or card game.

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Play a board or card game.
Play a board or card game.

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Read an article in a newspaper or magazine
Read an article in a newspaper or magazine

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Read an article in a newspaper or magazine
Read an article in a newspaper or magazine

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Read to or with someone else.
Read to or with someone else.

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Read to or with someone else.
Read to or with someone else.

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Take a picture of something that makes you happy
Take a picture of something that makes you happy

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Take a picture of something that makes you happy
Take a picture of something that makes you happy

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Take a ride on the Stamford Trolley
Take a ride on the Stamford Trolley

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Take a ride on the Stamford Trolley
Take a ride on the Stamford Trolley

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Take a walk with your family
Take a walk with your family

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Take a walk with your family
Take a walk with your family

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Tell a librarian about your favorite book.

Give a librarian a short description of your favorite book.

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Tell a librarian about your favorite book.

Give a librarian a short description of your favorite book.

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Try a new food
Try a  new food

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Try a new food
Try a  new food

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Visit a park or beach
Visit a park or beach

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Visit a park or beach
Visit a park or beach

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Watch a movie based on a book.
Watch a movie based on a book.

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Watch a movie based on a book.
Watch a movie based on a book.

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Write (or draw a picture about) something you did this summer.
Write (or draw a picture about) something you did this summer.

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Write (or draw a picture about) something you did this summer.
Write (or draw a picture about) something you did this summer.

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Write a letter to a family member or friend
Write a letter to a family member or friend

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Write a letter to a family member or friend
Write a letter to a family member or friend

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Write a short story or poem.
Write a short story or poem.

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Write a short story or poem.
Write a short story or poem.

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1 Pts
Gothic Spook

Crumbling mansions, creepy atmosphere, long-buried secrets, murder – gothic conventions are readily recognizable. There are many types of gothic fiction; this subgenre of suspense is as much a tone as it is a type. Gothic romances, mysteries, and horror all share the same disquieting atmosphere.

Gothic romances traditionally feature an inexperienced protagonist, often a heroine, haunted by the supernatural, the past, or a present, tangible threat. Modern heroines have found a bit more agency but will still pursue a love connection that eventually resolves to a happily ever after.  
Gothic mysteries and horror instill an abiding sense of unease: science gone sideways, ancestral curses tormenting descendants, lovers who are not what they seem, madness, mayhem, cruelty, and death all abound. Narrators can be unreliable and occasionally unhinged. An ever-increasing sense of inevitability threatens the protagonist: lucky ones face an ambiguous conclusion; unlucky ones end up dead…or worse.
Southern Gothic shares the eerie ambiance of its cousins but is limited to the American South; authors are often born and raised there (e.g., Flannery O’Connor). There are undercurrents of class conflict, corruption, and the legacy of racism. Characterizations include the grotesque, individuals so defective physically, mentally, or both, that they’re as disturbing as that gothic original, Frankenstein’s monster.

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1 Pts
Armchair Detective
True crime consists of factual stories that deal with crime, criminal psychology, criminal investigations, trials, police work, and prison life. They are based on actual events but can sometimes be highly speculative. Murder tends to be the most popular topic, but a wide variety of crimes are covered within the genre.
These books approach the subject through various perspectives, including reporting, historical slants, sociological/cultural takes, and biography and memoir. True crime books vary significantly based on their approach.

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Book Bingo Short Storiy Challenge-June 13 to July

Challenge date -  June 13 to July 8 - Choose books from any part of the Imaginative World of Science Fiction.
Read short stories on special themes and learn more about the library by completing a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line for BINGO!  Complete this challenge and earn a chance to win a Family Membership to the Stamford Museum and Nature Center (Valid for 2 named adults and all children under 18, 10% gift shop discount and discounted Festival rate of $5/person) at the August 1 - Musical Performance - Laura Skutch.

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Self Care Wheel-A Life in Balance

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This mission is designed to help you reflect and find a balance in your life. When it comes to self-care activities, there are different needs that we can work to meet.  The Self-Care Wheel is a tool focusing on six dimensions of our well-being.  Paying attention to these 6 dimensions daily will lead to a Life in Balance!

Our librarians have created Reading Lists where you can find books, audio-books, movies, digital materials and more with information that will assist you to imagine and create a new life story...

Read (1) Book from three different dimensions on the wheel. Write your self-care activities in your own personal journal or on your calendar and make a commitment.

Mindfully focusing on wellness in our lives builds resilience and enables us to thrive amidst life’s challenges.

REMEMBER in order to raise your voice for others, you have to take care of yourself first…

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Imagine Your Journey Travel Bingo


If you like to travel, the odds are probable you’ve had to cancel or postpone a trip, due to the risks and travel restrictions imposed due to coronavirus—and you’re no doubt disappointed.  Sink into your armchair and experience the world from the comforts of your home.  Let a book, audio-book or movie open your eyes and change the way you see the world.

“Imagine Your Journey” Travel Bingo may inspire you to choose books that are on the travel reading list provided or to choose a book from your own TBR (to be read) pile.

Complete the Mission by completing selections in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line for BINGO!

Wherever your journey takes you, enjoy the ride!

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1 Pts
Man Booker Reader

A literary prize awarded each year for the best novel written in English and published in the United Kingdom or Ireland.

List of past winners

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Science Fiction Reading Challenge- July 9 to Aug 1
Challenge date July 9 - Aug.1 - Choose books from any part of the Imaginative World of Science Fiction. A Booklist is provided or read/listen to books of your own preference.  Read or listen to (2) books to complete the challenge and earn a chance to win a prize at our August 1, 2019 musical performance. 

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Beach Reads/Page-Turner Thrillers-Aug 2. to Aug. 22

Challenge date  Aug. 2 to Aug. 22 - From breezy beach reads to can't miss thrillers, we've found a book for every occasion under the sun. Dive right into a mix of popular classics, romantic novels, thrillers, and modern fiction while you are on vacation.

Choose books from the challenge list or choose one of your own TBR (To Be Read) books.
Read or Listen to (2) books to complete the challenge and earn a chance to win (2) Adult Flex Passes (good for 10 shows) to Curtain Call, Kweskin Theatre and Dressing Room Theatre.

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1 Pts
Happy Holidays!

Why should only the winter holidays get the spotlight? We celebrate holidays throughout the entire year from St. Valentine's Day to Halloween.

Read a book set around a holiday other than Christmas.

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1 Pts
International Person of Mystery

People commit crimes all over the world, so therefore there are detectives solving crimes all over the world as well.

Read a mystery set in a country other than your own to complete this challenge.

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1 Pts
Read "Their" Book
Read a book by a nonbinary author.

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1 Pts
Poet Laureate

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”
-Robert Frost

Read an anthology of poems by a singular author or theme.

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1 Pts
Welcome to America
Read a book about the Asian American experience

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1 Pts
7 Days
Read a book that takes place over the course of a week or less.

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1 Pts
'Til Death Do Us Part
Read a book where the main events take place during a wedding or a funeral.

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1 Pts
Time for Family
Read a book about a family featuring various generations.

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1 Pts
LibraryReads 2021

LibraryReads is the monthly nationwide library staff picks list for adult fiction and non-fiction. Our goal is to help connect readers to as many books as possible, while drawing upon the incredible power that public library staff has in helping to build word-of-mouth for new books, and the important role that libraries play in creating audiences for all kinds of authors.

You can find all the LibraryReads books at https://libraryreads.org

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1 Pts
Accept Your Inner Youth
Read a YA/Adult crossover book.

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1 Pts
Inspire the World
Read a memoir about an inspirational individual who made a difference in the world.

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1 Pts
Laugh About It
Read a book with one of the following appeals: funny, amusing, darkly humorous, or sardonic.

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1 Pts
Tower of Babel
Read a book in translation.

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1 Pts
It's All Here in Black and White
Read a graphic novel with black and white illustrations.

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1 Pts
Read a book about culinary arts or artist

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1 Pts
Lean In
Read a leadership book written about a female leader/CEO.

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1 Pts
Love is in the Air
Read a romance novel whose main character identifies as gay or lesbian.

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1 Pts
Indigenous Memories
Read a biography or memoir by an indigenous author.

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1 Pts
Read a book based on a real person or historical event.

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1 Pts

Read an Afrofuturism or Afrofantasy novel

Afrofuturism and Afrofantasy are interconnected subgenres within speculative fiction, both using a Black lens to convey an author's vision for a fictional world. Afrofuturism incorporates Black identities into future society and technology, while Afrofantasy portrays worlds inspired by African cultures and mythologies.

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1 Pts
Magical Realist
Read a speculative novel by a Latinx author

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1 Pts
Made for the Small Screen
Read a book that has been adapted into a television show.

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1 Pts
History Will Judge
Read a historical legal thriller.

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1 Pts
Read a book about an artistic masterpiece.

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1 Pts
Fresh Coat of Paint
Read a retelling/reinvention of a classic

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1 Pts
All the World's a Stage
Read a play from a contemporary playwright.

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1 Pts
You Never Forget Your First
Read the debut novel of your favorite author

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1 Pts
Read a bestselling book published in the year you were born.

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1 Pts
Check off the List
Read a book from the local high school's summer reading list.

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1 Pts
African Reader
Read a book written by a contemporary African author

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1 Pts
Get Away From It All
Read a book that takes place in your favorite vacation spot.

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1 Pts
Problem Solver
Read a book that delves into a current crisis (social/political/economic/environmental) and offers solutions.

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1 Pts
Music to Your Ears
Read a biography of your favorite musician.

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1 Pts
Read a memoir by someone facing a disability or chronic illness.

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1 Pts
Pulitzer Prize Reader

Read a Pulitzer Prize winning book.

The Pulitzer Prize for Fiction is one of the seven American Pulitzer Prizes that are annually awarded for Letters, Drama, and Music. It recognizes distinguished fiction by an American author, preferably dealing with American life, published during the preceding calendar year.

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1 Pts
Blinded Me With Science
Read a book by a female scientist

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1 Pts
Outside the Box
Read a book about men in non-stereotypical roles

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1 Pts
Turn Back Time
Read a book about time travel in the past.

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1 Pts
Lights! Camera! Action!
Read a book that became a feature film.

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1 Pts
Read a book featuring libraries or librarians.

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1 Pts
Out of this World
Read a book set on another world.

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1 Pts
Memento Mori
Read a book by or about someone who died in 2021.

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1 Pts
Read a book set in Connecticut.

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1 Pts
The City is Us

Read a book classified as urban fiction.

Set in urban and inner-city areas, these gritty titles often feature characters engaging in crime or illicit behaviors to survive in a harsh and violent landscape. Urban fiction is a young but popular genre, thanks to page-turning storylines, contemporary urban settings, realistic characters (usually African Americans), and straightforward prose.

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1 Pts
Read a book with a non-human point-of-view character.

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1 Pts
Let's Circle Back On This
Read a book you hated (or failed to finish) in school

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1 Pts
Banned Books

Read a banned book.

Speaking out for and reading banned and challenged books is vital in the fight against censorship.

Check out the American Library Association's lists of the most challenged books in the United States:

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1 Pts
Monster Between the Covers
Read a book that scares you.

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